
Designer Science is my forthcoming history of the intelligent design movement (ID). ID was an antievolutionary movement that rose to prominence in the 1990s and 2000s--but while it has faded from media view since then, its impact has been pronounced. The book chronicles the legacy and impact of ID in American political, social, and cultural history.
It will be published by NYU Press in 2025.


October 2024 - My review of David Bentley Hart's book All Things Are Full of Gods, for Eclectic Orthodoxy.

February 2024 - An article about the religious themes in Ted Chiang's short stories, with specific attention paid to "Hell is the Absence of God."

November 2023 - A co-written op-ed in Scientific American, regarding the AI-in-the-classroom assignment I did earlier this year. I invited two of my students to give their perspective on what they learned.

Sept 2023 - A review of the Apple TV show Severance, a meditation on memory and identity in the vein of Augustine's Confessions.

June 2023 - An essay on whether banning or embracing ChatGPT is the best way to deal with it in the classroom, with some speculation about the purpose and future of higher education. The English version is available here.

June 2023 - A short article in Wired about my method of teaching students what ChatGPT is, in the hopes that understanding it better actually reduces their reliance on it.

Jan 2023 - Article on the video game The Outer Worlds read through Eugene McCarraher's "The Enchantments of Mammon."

Nov 2022 - Article on Friedrich Nietzsche's critique of Christianity/eternal hell.

Sept 2022 - Eastern Orthodoxy and the War in Ukraine.

Aug 2022 - Analysis of the religious, scientific, and political views of evolutionary biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky.

Aug 2020 - The universalist language of the Eastern Orthodox liturgy.

Aug 2020 - The religious and spiritual insight of Greek poet George Seferis.

Dec 2019 - Where is the Fall if evolution is true?

May 2019 - Comparative analysis of David Bentley Hart and Seraphim Rose (site misattributed article to Hart). Shortened, popular version of my Almagest article below.

2019 - Journal article comparing the thought of Seraphim Rose to David Bentley Hart. Article entitled "The Rose and the Stag: An American Orthodox Conversation on Modernity, Science, and Biblical Interpretation."
As part of my work for the C.S. Lewis Foundation, I frequently appear on Webinars to interview scholars from around the world and run Q&A for our listeners. Topics range from C.S. Lewis himself to art & literature, politics, and even (at times) sports.
Q&A Interview with Christian Wiman
Conversation with David Bentley Hart
A conversation with philosopher David Bentley Hart on two of the most important topics in the world: baseball and children's literature.
Q&A Interview with Joy Marie Clarkson
Interview and Q&A with theologian and writer Joy Clarkson, on her short lecture "Serious, Constant Desire: Joy in C.S. Lewis and The Great Divorce."
Q&A Interview with Sorina Higgens
Interview and Q&A with writer and editor Sorina Higgins, following her lecture on the most mysterious member of the Inklings: Charles Williams.
Q&A Interview with Josh Tiessen
Interview and Q&A with the artist Josh Tiessen, following his presentation of his paintings.